Musings on books, technology, entrepreneurship, nonprofits and umm.. everything else …

On writing …

After many years of wishing to start a personal blog, here’s an attempt at one. Briefly flirted with a comedic, self-important one here but it died as soon as it began. What brought me back into regular posts every two weeks was this and am grateful for that opportunity. Thanks to that, I am also a contributor here now, but the posting freqency there is only once in three months.

In short, now that the floodgates for writing have been opened, I needed a space to contain it. And the hope is that this will be it. Hope to have participation from others in the blog through comments over time. Meanwhile, the attempt will be to post once in two weeks on topics related to entrepreneurship, technology, nonprofits, global health and development related issues, and impact investing.

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